Oil Red O Stain Kit (For Fat)

Oil Red O Stain Kit (For Fat) is intended for use in the histological visualization of fat cells and neutral fat. This kit may be used ONLY on frozen tissue sections, fresh smears, or touch preps.

Fat Cells: Red
Neutral Fat: Red
Nuclei: Blue

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ORK-1 Kit Contents:
Propylene Glycol, 500ml, Item #: PRG500
Oil Red O Solution, 125ml, Item #: ORG125
Hematoxylin, Mayer’s (Lillie’s Mod.), 125ml, Item #: HMM125

ORK-2 Kit Contents:
Propylene Glycol, 60ml x2, Item #: PRG060
Oil Red O Solution, 30ml, Item #: ORG030
Hematoxylin, Mayer’s (Lillie’s Mod.), 30ml, Item #: HMM030
Graduated Mixing Vial, 1 ea