Luxol Fast Blue Stain Kit

The Luxol Fast Blue Stain Kit is designed for staining myelin/myelinated axons and Nissil substance on formalin fixed, paraffin-embedded tissue. This product is used for identifying the basic neuronal structure in brain or spinal cord sections.

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LBC-1 Kit Contents:
Cresyl Echt Violet Solution, 125ml, Item #: CEA125
Luxol Fast Blue Solution, 125ml, Item #: LFB125
Lithium Carbonate Solution, 500ml, Item #: LCQ500
Alcohol, Reagent (70%), 500ml, Item #: EAS500

LBC-2 Kit Contents:
Cresyl Echt Violet Solution, 30ml, Item #: CEA030
Luxol Fast Blue Solution, 60ml, Item #: LFB060
Lithium Carbonate Solution, 60ml, Item #: LCQ060
Alcohol, Reagent (70%), 60ml, Item #: EAS060