Gram Stain Kit

The Gram Stain Kit is intended for the demonstration and differentiation of Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria.

Gram Positive Bacteria: Blue
Gram Negative Bacteria: Red
Other Tissue: Yellow
Nuclei: Red

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GSK-1 Kit Contents:
Gentian Violet Solution, 125ml, Item #: GVS125
Lugol’s Iodine Solution, 125ml, Item #: LIS125
Gram’s Decolorizer Solution, 125ml, Item #: GDS125
Carbol Fuchsin Counterstain, 125ml, Item #: CFX125
Tartrazine Solution, 125ml, Item #: TZQ125

GSK-2 Kit Contents:
Gentian Violet Solution, 30ml, Item #: GVS030
Lugol’s Iodine Solution, 30ml, Item #: LIS030
Gram’s Decolorizer Solution, 30ml x2, Item #: GDS030
Carbol Fuchsin Counterstain, 30ml, Item #: CFX030
Tartrazine Solution, 30ml, Item #: TZQ030

GSK-500 Kit Contents:
Gentian Violet Solution, 500ml, Item #: GVS500
Lugol’s Iodine Solution, 500ml, Item #: LIS500
Gram’s Decolorizer Solution, 500ml, Item #: GDS500
Carbol Fuchsin Counterstain, 500ml, Item #: CFX500
Tartrazine Solution, 500ml, Item #: TZQ500